UK-based Cambridge Management Consulting has announced the launch of a new energy-saving practice edenseven – headed by Pete Nisbet former MD of Mitie Energy. The practice, which will work across 10 countries, is being backed by green tech investor Chris Rowley.

Pete Nisbet comments: “We saw an urgent need for a management consultancy that can link technology understanding and market experience to enable sustainable growth. We see data analytics as central to the company-wide changes required to deliver net zero commitments.”

Cambridge Management Consulting
Tim Passingham, Chairman of Cambridge Management Consulting, says that the aim of the practice is to help companies transition to a sustainable model. With companies in a range of sectors moving to net zero models, his company aims to help them navigate the barriers, risks and pitfalls in their move to a greener way of doing business.
Omnisperience view
We share Cambridge Management Consulting’s view that businesses need to move to a sustainable model, but we’re also mindful that it isn’t always easy for them to do so. Sustainability is important to hit green targets, protect brand values, mitigate risk and increase operational efficiency. Identifying and applying technologies that assist green transformation adds another, very useful element to Cambridge Management Consulting’s practice and fits nicely with the company’s other core competencies in areas such as data management, analytics and digital transformation. The company’s background in B2B telecoms also means they can leverage existing relationships to assist both telecoms providers and large enterprises in this area. Sustainability is an interative process, which means it should result in repeat business for Cambridge Management Consulting as they help their clients become ever-more efficient.