Category: Key trends & innovation
SMEs big on G-Cloud 10, but need to be bigger
UK Government still underperforming on SME engagement – something that B2B providers could help fix.
Report highlights key UK verticals for investment in the next five years
Report finds that despite Brexit, investors are bullish about investing in UK infrastructure.
PWC sounds the death knell of the fixed line phone business
PWC announces it will move from using desktop phones to mobiles. This highlights a growing trend of fixed-mobile substitution which B2B providers need to respond to.
Why you should forget 5G (for now)
With even network equipment providers becoming more sceptical, is there a business case for 5G?
Getting rich quick from the trillion dollar baby
By 2025 the IoT market will be worth $1.1 trillion – how much of that can B2B telcos expect to get?