Tag: South Korea
The rise of the machine – Asia style
Asia has lagged behind in its adoption of chatbots, but is now catching up fast. Teresa Cottam looks at what’s happening in the region.
NEC to build ADC cable
New submarine cable will connect key economies in APAC, providing diversity and resilience
Korean media firm makes digital waves and points to new business models
D’strict is exploring IP licensing for public spaces, hotel and building lobbies, and malls
BT confirms it is providing data to the government on citizen movements
An increasing number of countries are looking at how they can use mobile phone data and apps to track movements and ensure compliance
Security update: quantum security rises up agenda for telcos
QKD rises up agenda as the ITU announces a new standard for QKD networks; BT launches QKD network; SK Telecom and Deutsche Telekom invest in IDQ; and more countries join EU’s Open QKD Project.
BICS announces new 5G data roaming service
5G rolls on relentlessly, as operators form new 5G roaming partnerships and roll out in more locations