I joined Simon Ratcliffe and Martin Mc Closkey to discuss enterprise security in a multi-cloud environment at Cloud Expo, as part of the BrightTALK summit series.
In the session, we talked about the need to extend everyone’s understanding of Enterprise Cloud beyond infrastructure providers such as AWS, Google and Microsoft, to all the application providers that utilise the cloud extensively to deliver a full operational offering.
We then discussed the need to choose an appropriate cloud provider and/or managed security service (MSS) provider based on the needs of the organisation, assuming that these needs can be met at the right cost, performance and operational level. This is essential to differentiate cloud and MSS providers based on their target customers, which may range in size from nanobusinesses to global accounts.
Following a question from the audience, we spent some time discussing the difference between responsibility and accountability of the services being provided, alongside the security of operations and protection of data.
For those of you who couldn’t be there, you can watch the session by clicking on this link:
Link to Video