CCAPS vendor Plume has revealed that Apple is the brand leader for devices in both Europe and the US. According to Plume, 82% of European households and 92% of US households that use its technology have Apple devices, with Microsoft taking the number 2 spot in the US (77%) and Samsung in Europe (77%).
In the US, a staggering 42% of households have more than 10 Apple devices. This brand dominance is not as pronounced in Europe, with only 25% of households having the same level of Apple devices.
While this data is interesting, readers should interpret it with caution. Firstly, according to Counterpoint Research, Samsung remains the market leader in Europe with about a third of sales (32%) compared to Apple’s 26%. The decline of Huawei left growth potential for other brands, with Apple seizing more of this opportunity than Samsung and growing market share by 4 percentage points. But the big success stories were Xiaomi, which grew its market share by 6 percentage points YoY and OPPO which managed 3 percentage points. Both of these brands have eased in to that vital mid market space vacated by Huawei.
The second important point to remember when interpreting these figures is that they are for Plume-connected households. It could be that the type of households who are prepared to pay for the the premium services provided by Plume are also the ones most able to afford high-end Apple devices. And, having invested in high-end devices, these households will naturally want to ensure they perform optimally. Understanding how device choice and service choice influence one another though is interesting for service providers looking to deploy CCAPS and expand their offering to households.