Category: Opinion
If tech journalists are an endangered species, are PRs doomed to be dodo wranglers?
Is the Fourth Estate facing botaggedon?
Voice isn't going to save us, unless it's monetised
People like to talk – the challenge is how to (re)capture that value
Huawei says a disconnected world benefits no-one
Today was the first day of Huawei’s 17th analyst and press conference in Shenzhen, China, which due to the coronavirus crisis had moved to an online format. There was much interest in how Huawei intended to respond to continuing and escalating restrictions from the US government, which has also put pressure on European allies to […]
Why telecoms firms should be wary of Eventbot
EventBot targets banks, money transfer services and the wider business community
How drones are proving their worth during the COVID-19 crisis
TEOCO’s Thomas Neubauer says the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the adoption of drones, as well as stimulating innovation in the way they are being used