Tag: telecom
If tech journalists are an endangered species, are PRs doomed to be dodo wranglers?
Is the Fourth Estate facing botaggedon?
The importance of empathy, effective communication & engagement
Don’t turn your CSRs into bots, trust their judgement and empathy to enhance your brand through better customer care when it’s really needed
Marketers are routinely ignoring one of their best marketing channels. Want to know what that is?
Siloed thinking means marketers are not exploiting an opportunity that’s right under their nose
Squire and Cerillion partner to simplify charging across hybrid networks
Squire Technologies and Cerillion are partnering to simplify charging across hybrid networks, building on a successful joint implementation for Sure in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. As service providers converge their networks to offer ubiquitous connectivity and enhanced QoS to customers, it’s vital they’re also able to charge convergently – across services […]