Tag: charging
UK customers still not optimising spend on streaming
Research reveals divide between number of subscriptions and usage
It’s not subscribers that are the problem Netflix, you’re just bad at bundling, pricing and charging
Teresa Cottam looks at how streaming media providers still haven’t grasped the need for more customer-centric approaches to pricing
Vodafone NZ modernises with Matrixx
IBM Consulting and Matrixx will help Vodafone NZ consolidate and replace charging system
Matrixx partners with CompaxDigital
Matrixx and CompaxDigital unite to support new complex B2B charging models and emerging ecoystems
Are UK CSPs ready for changes in billing and notification requirements?
Over the next 12 months UK customers will get new rights that affect key processes such as billing and termination. But will the industry grasp the opportunity to transform their relationship with customers or do the bare minimum to comply?